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New York Automobile Insurance Company for Yankees

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New York Automobile Insurance Company for Yankees. All New York car insurance companies must participate in NYAIP (New York Automobile Insurance Plan) by issuing coverage to assigned motorists. In addition, all licensed agents and brokers who do business in the state must be certified by the Superintendent of Insurance before submitting an application to the plan. The New York Automobile Insurance Plan (NYAIP) is a mechanism that allows these people to get coverage by assigning them to the carrier involuntarily.

In order for motorists to get coverage through NYAIP, they must be able to prove that they cannot obtain a policy on the voluntary market in the last 60 days. After being assigned to the operator, coverage must be provided no less than 3 years.

Who Needs NYAIP

The reason why drivers need assistance is insured through the New York Automobile Insurance Plan, and this is mainly due to risky involvement by insuring certain individuals. Companies cannot be insured with profits, they can turn off the driver. This is because one of the following items:
  • bad driving history
  • lack of driving experience
  • claim frequency

Drivers may be more expensive than those provided on the open market and may want to implement the plan as a last resort. Take the time to lead the New Yorker to a more affordable option.

Why rates are higher with the New York Car Insurance Plan

According to the data in terms of losing experience with a group of drivers who will need to use NYAIP, the losses and claims costs are consistently worse than the losses incurred for those insured on the voluntary market.

Get out of the plan

Even though driving safely is always encouraged, it can also cause motorists to accept cheaper car insurance rates and eliminate the need for assistance from NYAIP. For those with a lack of experience or a history of poor driving, recording a net record for a period of 3 years will usually translate into the ability to find operators who will voluntarily insure them.

In addition, the state encourages consumers to shop regularly to see if a company is available at a more affordable rate than the operator assigned to them.

The New York Automobile Insurance Plan (NYAIP) sets high-risk drivers, who cannot find insurance companies that are willing to cover it on the voluntary market, to car insurance operators. NYAIP is the last resort for motorists, and facilitates insurance for more than 90,000 high risk drivers for insurance companies every year.

When the driver registers in the New York Automobile Insurance Plan, they are placed in the remaining pool, and then randomly distributed to the insurance company based on the quota system. Every insurance company authorized to write car insurance in New York must participate in NYAIP and provide coverage to a number of drivers in the rest of the pool based on their market share. For example, if GEICO has a 15% market share of New York city car insurance, that means that 15% of high-risk drivers in the rest of the pool will be assigned to GEICO.
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NYAIP coverage and premium

Your assigned insurance company is required to provide you with minimum obligations, no errors, and uninsured coverage required by Article 53 of New York's insurance laws. In addition, your assigned insurance company must offer the option to buy more coverage.

The New York Financial Responsibility Act mandates that all motorists be insured for at least $10,000 for property damage, liability for bodily injury of $25,000 per person / $50,000 for a person's death in an accident, and liability for bodily injury of $50,000 per person / $100,000 above death of two or more people in an accident. For drivers who want to be more protected, NYAIP offers a higher limit of optional body injury obligations of up to $250,000 / $500,000 and up to $100,000 in liability for property damage.

The New York Insurance Act requires drivers to purchase uninsured motorist insurance and basic personal injury protection (PIP), also referred to as insurance without errors. NYAIP, like all NY licensed car insurance companies, offers basic PIP drivers with a $50,000 limit per accident. If you want to buy more PIP, you can buy an additional limit of $50,000. You can also purchase optional basic economic loss coverage (OBEL) of $25,000, which is optional insurance that includes additional injury or loss of salary.

Comprehensive coverage and collisions are not needed by New York, but you have the choice to buy through NYAIP. You can get up to $50,000 in physical coverage and choose between several options that can be reduced. Medical payment coverage is also available for purchase.

NYAIP Auto Insurance Rates and Premiums

The premium will vary for each driver depending on where you live, your age, your driving record, the type of car you drive, your level of coverage, and many other factors. In 2012, the average NYAIP premium was listed at $2,283 per year. To put it in perspective, the average annual car insurance premium in New York in 2014 can cost around $1,173. By using these two different averages as benchmarks, NYAIP drivers can pay about twice the average premium on the regular market in New York. To get NYAIP price quotes, call their number at (212) 943-5100 to get in touch with a local agent.
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